
Temp teachers pressured to do more, can be exploited The pressure placed on temp teachers in NSW to compete to stay employed and do more to prove their worth is close to exploitative.
Experts look for utility in NAPLAN After a year off, NAPLAN is back. Many experts are asking why, but there could be some interesting findings outside of the very similar data that each year's testing has yielded.
15-year-olds mostly unprepared for misinformation With teens now spending the equivalent of a working week online there is plenty of opportunity for misinformation to spread.
Developing Inviting Schools: A Beneficial Framework for Teaching and Leading Purkey, now in his 90s, may yet have more books in him; however, whether he does or not, this book may very well be his magnum opus.
Reviewed by John J. Ivers, Brigham Young University Idaho
Culturally diverse children miss out on early childhood education, so more vulnerable Attendance at early childhood education makes a difference for the development of all children but children from diverse backgrounds are less likely to go.
Principals' stress and workloads off the charts in 'year like no other' A biblical year of bushfires, shock floods, and the COVID-19 global pandemic has had an immense impact on the stress and workload of school leaders.
Experts partner to unlock the power of language for learning Oxford University Press’ Oxford Children’s Language Australia (OCLA) partners with leading Australian literacy and language research experts to unlock the power of language for learning.
Low motivation
Low motivation
PISA pie in the sky? Students sitting PISA are failing to try their best which means the data delivered in the worldwide education standards test are compromised.
From a report by Trevor Cobbold of SOS
Get ahead
Get ahead
Escape Rooms to uni Escape Rooms are an innovative learning and teaching method that have student teams engage in learning games created around Escape Room hypothetical situations.
Stress on young teachers has long term damage Damage caused by excessive demands placed on early career teachers has lasting effects that compromise their teaching.
Same problems
Same problems
Inequality entrenched in the education system Around one-fifth to one-third of young people are not acquiring lifelong learning skills and not mastering the knowledge needed to become functional adults.
Pack violence a kind of performance Australia needs to challenge toxic masculinity and steer young men away from the pressure to engage in group violence.
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