New approaches to teaching: How data is driving enhanced personalisation

Teachers are now utilising student data to curate personalised lesson plans and assess student performance.
Data needs a home
Increasingly data heavy teaching needs management

5G connectivity, Google Classrooms and the trend towards remote learning has seen online learning environments become increasingly popular. Teachers are now utilising student data to curate personalised lesson plans and assess student performance.

Although we’re not alone in this trend, demand for technology innovation within the education system is growing locally. Student data is now working alongside traditional teaching methods to improve the overall learning experience. 

However, without the right data infrastructure in place, teachers are unable to action student results quickly and efficiently. Meeting changing student requirements requires more than just good teaching – it also needs a personalised and data driven approach.

How data is changing education in Australia
Modern teaching methods are harnessing the transformative potential of data to uncover new approaches to personalised learning. Data analytics and online platforms are enabling teachers to adapt content to suit the unique learning styles of their students. Personalised learning is becoming increasingly important in recognising the different paces and patterns at which students learn, re-shaping their learning experience to ensure high engagement from each individual. Emphasis has shifted from set curriculum, to supporting creativity, problem solving, decision making and collaboration.

With online Learning Management Systems (LMS) and portals being heavily utilised, classroom methods are becoming more tailored than ever before. However, a large proportion of schools in Australia have difficulties with data integration due to limitations in their IT systems. According to the Federal Department of Education, 17% of schools are not using technology in their classroom, and furthermore, there is room for improvement when it comes to the integration of digital applications into curriculum.

The right data infrastructure
With new technologies comes a range of options for data setup. Hosting your data on-premise for example, can come with high costs associated with building and maintaining the equipment and providing physical security. In addition, legacy or outdated software can limit the shareability of teaching materials and impede opportunities for improved student experience.

A colocation data infrastructure means your data is managed by a third party rather than being located on-premise at the school. Colocation can provide institutions with a number of benefits; the setup can be tailored to support the technology being used in the classroom – for example, wireless devices, virtual reality and of course student data – and the agile infrastructure allows for rapid transformation when new teaching methods are established.

In addition, the benefits of cloud computing are being realised at a higher rate among schools and universities based on the scalability and flexibility that Software as a Service (SaaS) can provide when it comes to accessing and interpreting education-based data. However, according to a study undertaken by Deloitte Private, there is still a lack in understanding when it comes to how and where cloud computing can be utilised to transform teaching methods – a significant barrier to mass adoption in classrooms.

The current global health crisis means teachers cannot always be in a physical classroom, so utilising tools that minimise teaching disruption is crucial to maintain learning efficiency and student productivity. Developing a clear plan that identifies the opportunities and risks at an operational level, is the first step. This makes having the right data infrastructure is in place crucial.

As education providers continue to adapt to online and remote learning, new challenges and innovations will arise. With data acting as the catalyst for change, it is imperative that the public sector gets the setup right. Data is key to empowering teachers and ultimately, improving student outcomes now and into the future.