Coding in the Stars with Neil Degrasse Tyson

Astrophysicist brings kids on a coding journey through space.
Sep 1, 2022
Coding journey into outer space.

Space exploration and coding come together in a new virtual course hosted by everyone’s favourite Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Offering up to 48 coding sessions, students will learn how to code across a diverse range of topics and interests through the AfterSchool program.

Coders can journey to Mars through interactive games and build animations or apps that depict exoplanets.

The AfterSchool program is led by live instructors with customised videos introduced by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Students will be guided through varying coding skills during four different adventures at a level that suits.

Specifically created for kids ages 8–12, the goal of the program is to inspire students to expand their knowledge of space, tap into their creativity and build critical thinking skills in a 1:1 virtual setting.

The courses, offered at both intermediate and advanced levels, include:

Asteroid Travel – Students will help a spacecraft avoid the asteroids coming their way on a mission to Jupiter.

Black Hole Escape – Kids will learn the concept of a black hole, how to create a simulation to demonstrate the concept of a black hole, and more.

Exoplanet Explorer – Children can learn about exoplanets in space and develop an exoplanet explorer app by applying the learnings from the previous classes.

Mars Traveler – Kids will learn about the journey to Mars and develop their first mobile application that performs mathematical calculations regarding the journey.

Neil deGrasse Tyson said, “It’s important to nurture free-range kids by creating a free-range place for them to explore, discover, be curious, and ask crazy questions. Why? Because that’s how kids learn.”

The program links with Tyson’s StarTalk series which sits in between science, pop culture and comedy featuring funny co-hosts and expert guests. StarTalk explores subjects such as space travel, the role science plays in our lives, the future of our Earth and the environment, and breaking news from the universe. StarTalk's programming is updated regularly.