Last Chance to Register for Wakakirri Live

‘Belonging’ is the Wakakirri festival motif for 2024.
Mar 12, 2024
Don't be scared, register for Wakakirri 2024.

Registrations for Wakakirri Live 2024 are closing soon, at the end of Term 1. There are still spots available, but some venues have a limited capacity and Wakakirri Director Adam Loxley suggests that schools should send in their registrations soon to avoid disappointment.

Wakakirri is an award winning performing arts program and festival that helps schools develop student engagement and well-being. Participating schools create their own unique 'Story-Dance' (a creative combination of dancing and acting) and present in Term 3 at one of over 30 Wakakirri festivals held in live theatres around Australia. Schools unable to attend a live event can send in their performance via video.

Schools' story-dances can be inspired by the Wakakirri ethos 'great stories inspire change' and the annual Festival motif. Environmental, social, cultural, health, historical and reconciliation stories are all popular themes. Each year hundreds of schools across Australia create and perform Story-Dances for Wakakirri that reflect students' thoughts, ideas and aspirations.

Wakakirri has chosen Belonging as its festival motif for 2024. Adam Loxley says: “Belonging is an essential human need, fulfilling our desire for social interaction, support, and understanding. It provides us with a sense of identity and purpose, and helps us feel secure and grounded in the world. When we feel a sense of belonging, we are more likely to feel confident, empowered, and engaged in our personal and professional lives. The Wakakirri team is excited to see how schools are inspired by Belonging when creating their story-dances for 2024.”

Award-winning Wakakirri is Schools’ Largest Performing Arts Event
Wakakirri was awarded the Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association (APATA) Excellence in Performing Arts Education Award in 2021 based on these outcome for schools:
• An inclusive Performing Arts opportunity in which all schools and all students can take part
• Provides an enriching and unique opportunity for all students to develop connection, engagement and well-being
• A creative outlet for both teachers and students that is fun but also supports arts-based learning
• Participation increases school pride, strengthens student culture and builds community within schools

Open to all Schools
Wakakirri is open to primary, secondary, government, catholic, independent, community groups (i.e. dance studios), remote, regional and metro. Schools can choose to perform live or send in their performance via video.

Adam Loxley says: “The Wakakirri In-House Program can provide programs, resources, workshops, online tutorials and over the phone support to help create the Story-Dance.

“For schools wanting more support, the Wakakirri Artist in Residence Program provides qualified Performing Arts Facilitators that can come to your school and help create your story-dance performance. Teachers can still be involved in the creative process but without the pressure of doing it all on your own. Wakakirri's Artist in Residence Programs can be used for both Wakakirri Live or Video events.”

The first step to getting involved is to register your school's interest and have a chat with the Wakakirri team.

• Schools performing live cost $39 per student
• Schools entering via video cost $200 per school
• Artist in Residence Programs costs range from $895 to $4,235 depending on the school's needs.

Contact Wakakirri at 02 9669 3777 or check out